In Class size limited to 8 people



Move Better - Pilates

These classes are a mat based series of exercises based on the work of Joseph Pilates. Appropriate for all fitness levels, and adaptable to many injuries, MOVE BETTER Pilates will help you develop better stability, strength, flexibility and understanding of the muscles in and related to the elusive CORE.

8 Week Series

  • Thursdays 9:15 am

  • June 16 - August 4, 2022 (Covid restrictions permitting)

  • Class Size Restricted to 8 PEOPLE ONLY

  • In Class - $199.00 (including HST) - The Collingwood School of Dance

  • Live Stream - $99.00 (including HST)


Move Better - Yoga

These classes are a mat-based series based on the Hatha Flow yoga tradition. Appropriate for all fitness levels and adaptable to many injuries, MOVE BETTER yoga breaks down both the philosophy and the physical work on the mat. Get specific in the practice you have, or enjoy the benefits of moving in a new way.

8 Week Series

  • Thursdays 6:30 am

  • June 16 - August 4, 2022 (Covid restrictions permitting)

  • Class Size Restricted to 8 PEOPLE ONLY

  • In Class - $199.00 (including HST) - The Collingwood School of Dance

  • Live Stream - $99.00


Move Better - Barre

These classes are a standing/mat-based series built on the work of The Principal Barre Method - a fitness series created by the Toronto Ballet’s Heather Ogden. Appropriate for all fitness levels, adaptable to many injuries, and no previous dance experience required (we promise!). MOVE BETTER Barre challenges the entire body in a sweaty, fun workout.

8 Week Series

  • Thursdays 10:30 am

  • June 16 - August 4, 2022 (Covid restrictions permitting)

  • Class Size Restricted to 8 PEOPLE ONLY

  • In Class - $199.00 (including HST) - The Collingwood School of Dance

  • Live Stream - $99.00 (including HST)


Move Better - Baby and Me

Having a new human in your life can be both a beautiful and exhausting experience. Come share it with us. We stretch and lunge and laugh and cry - sometimes all at the same time - but mostly, we learn that taking care of ourselves doesn’t have to be exclusive of caring for our small humans. 

We use Pilates, Yoga and even ballet to see if we can trigger some endorphin release and wake up a couple muscle groups you forgot about all while discovering self-care doesn’t HAVE to mean alone time. 

Baby cranky?  Bring them anyway.  End up nursing the whole class? Whelp, you got out of the house.  Baby sleep late and miss the first half?  Come for the second.  Have a toddler as well?  Bring them too.

You need a mat, carrier and blanket for the baby. 

We do the rest!

8 Week Series

  • Wednesdays 10:45 am

  • Classes Resume September 2022 - contact us to get on the waitlist!

  • Class Size Restricted to 8 Adults

  • In Class - $199.00 (including HST) - The Collingwood School of Dance

Now booking Summer 2022 Sessions!