Our Policies

Not only do we want to MOVE better, we want to DO better. Our policies are meant to be as transparent and ethical as possible. If you have any questions whatsoever, or experience unethical treatment with us or any of our partners, please contact Melissa directly at melissa@movebetteryoga.com


We encourage you to finish out your series on the day/time you originally booked. BOOKING A SERIES IS NOT A CLASS PASS. You do not have 8 classes to use at your discretion for any class on the schedule. If there is space remaining on another day, in another series and you simply cannot complete the series you signed up for, we can arrange a transfer. Can a friend/family member come in your place? Of course. In any of these cases, contact Melissa directly at melissa@movebetteryoga.com. There is always a way.


Once you have booked into an 8 week series you have until 48 hours BEFORE the first class to cancel without penalty. After the series begins, we cannot refund your money. That being said, we are not horrible humans. If you have a legitimate issue with finishing out a series, contact Melissa at melissa@movebetteryoga.com. There is always a way.


We know that taking care of yourself isn’t cheap and it isn’t getting any cheaper. Please contact Melissa at melissa@movebetteryoga.com. Whether it is paying by class, by week or by month, we can work something out. Again, there is always a way.


We welcome with open arms all of the humans - sizes, ages, physical abilities, ethnicities, sexual preferences … come one, come all. We do not condone any language or other display of discrimination in ANY WAY. It is a zero tolerance situation. If you encounter discrimination of any kind during your time with us, contact Melissa immediately at melissa@movebetteryoga.com. Melissa reserves the right to expel offenders and offer refunds if situations cannot be rectified to her satisfaction. Let’s be good humans people.

COVID 19 and other Force Majeure Situations (please, please, please no more situations)

Melissa is committed to following all government health regulations as the case requires. In the past this has included class suspensions, cancellations, refunds, masking and proof of vaccination. We will monitor any and all situations and abide by the restrictions imposed by health officials when necessary.


Melissa is also committed to provide the safest class possible for multiple levels of fitness in a group environment. Our class sizes are small for this very reason. BUT, movement is hard and sometimes group classes are not appropriate for your body and how it is currently functioning. If you have questions about your ability to function in a group class environment PLEASE contact Melissa prior to signing up at melissa@movebetteryoga.com. Melissa is happy to provide a FREE 30 minute assessment in person, via zoom or even on the phone to address your concerns. THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY.

Our policy is that there is always a way to move better and we want to create an environment where everyone can do that.

Thought of something else we can do to help? Let us know. We love ideas.
